Holiday Movies You Can Stream
And Download Right Now!
By Erin Whitney
Colorful garlands and lights are decorating the streets, Christmas trees are making their way into homes. The holidays are here and there’s no better way to get in the spirit than with some festive films. Instead of stumbling into the middle of a holiday movie playing on TV, why not stream it in full online? From Christmas rom-coms to animated comedies, below are the best holidays movies to stream and download to help you celebrate the season.
Start the Christmas Countdown With ‘Love Actually’
This staple Christmas film is one of the best holiday romantic comedies that never seems to get old. Sure, it’s ridiculously cheesy and melodramatic, but who tires of Liam Neeson and the adorable Thomas Brodie-Sangster reenacting Kate and Leo, Bill Nighy’s raunchy rockstar, and Hugh Grant grooving to the Pointer Sisters? Watch it on: Netflix
Celebrate Hanukkah (Again!) With the Ridiculous ‘Eight Crazy Nights’
Adam Sandler’s animated Hanukkah movie is undeniably outrageous, but you can’t expect anything less from Sandler’s crude humor. While it’s not a great movie, or even a good one, it’s stupid, silly fun and best of all it features the hilarious “Chanukah Song.” Watch it on: VUDU
Lasso the Moon With ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’
It’s almost impossible to celebrate Christmas without Frank Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life,” a holiday staple in almost every household. George Bailey, one of Jimmy Stewart’s most heartwarming characters, is shown what his life would’ve been like without him just as he’s about the jump off a bridge. His guardian angel Clarence (Henry Travers) reminds George to appreciate everything he has, even if it wasn’t the life he wanted. This classic 1946 holiday film may have a simple message, but even after repeated viewings, it will always make you emotional and thankful for the little things. Watch it on: Amazon Instant Video
Experience the Magic of Christmas With “Elf”
There’s hardly anything as funny and sweet as Will Ferrell’s giant-sized elf running around New York City like a child. We all remember when we jumped out and down over meeting Santa (it was a pretty big deal) and Ferrell’s buddy evokes that perfectly. If his goofy elf antics and inextinguishable holiday cheer don’t get you excited for Christmas, well, nothing will. Watch it on: VUDU
Get Innovative With ‘Home Alone’
If most of us were left home alone on Christmas at 12 years old, we’d likely act how Kevin McAllister did: freak out for the first few minutes, then do any and everything our rebellious childhood selves could dream of. But if robbers tried to break into our house, we likely wouldn’t have the same creative genius that Kevin has to make their lives hell. “Home Alone” is will satisfy your craving for a 90s throwback and a fun holiday movie, and also remind you how badly you wanted a Talkboy or Talkgirl for Christmas. Watch it on: Amazon Instant Video
Prepare for Christmas With ‘Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tales’
This animated TV special features the Peanut gang prepping for the holiday by writing letters to Santa, getting a Christmas tree, and ice-skating. Charlie Brown cartoons are always feel-good, easy watching that are perfect to put on while you’re wrapping presents or decorating the tree. Watch it on: Netflix